The Whole Shebang

Sale price$ 175.004.8

A One Stop CFI Shop

ALL content has been updated to the latest ACS requirements
All content is provided in PC (Word & PowerPoint), Mac (Pages & Keynote), and PDF formats!

Our most popular product and our best deal! Everything you need for your Instructor checkrides and to teach future students! We've compiled all of the information required for each task in just about every FAA ACS and PTS into awesome, easy to use eBooks to make your life, checkrides, and teaching easier, and we'll keep them up to date for you.

Prep & Check: CFI, CFII & MEI checkrides

Teach: Private, Instrument & Commercial students

What's Included

Lessons & PowerPoints

  • CFI Detailed ACS Lessons
  • CFI Condensed ACS Lessons
  • CFI PowerPoints
  • MEI ACS Lessons & PowerPoints
  • CFII PTS Lessons & PowerPoints

ACS Reviews

  • Private Pilot ACS
  • Instrument Pilot ACS
  • Commercial Pilot ACS


  • Private Pilot (SE)
  • Instrument Rating (SE)
  • Commercial Pilot (SE)
  • Hourly Breakdowns
  • Student Trackers

Reference Card

  • IFR / VFR Reference Card

Physical product (not a download)

As a CFI this product has helped me provide next level instruction to my students. Worth every penny!


This helps mitigate the high level of stress already involved when you're preparing for a check ride! Now I can better focus on cleaning up the areas I'm not as proficient in. Thank you!


Topnotch. Saves a ton of time buying this product and you can build off of it. Highly recommended.



A lesson & PowerPoint for every task in the CFI ACS with every single Knowledge & Risk Management element included & annotated.
Use the links below to view sample lessons & PowerPoints!


 I. Fundamentals of Instructing
II. Technical Subject Areas
  • A. Human Factors
  • B. Visual Scanning & Collision Avoidance
  • C. Runway Incursion Avoidance
  • D. Principles of Flight / Slides
  • D. Forces of Flight (Addt'l info)
  • E. Flight Controls & Operation of Systems
  • F. Performance & Limitations
  • G. National Airspace System
  • H. Navigation Systems & Radar Services
  • I. Navigation & Flight Planning
  • J. 14 CFR & Publications
  • K. Endorsements & Logbook Entries
  • M. Night Operations
  • N. Supplemental Oxygen
  • O. Pressurization
III. Preflight Preparation
IV. Preflight on a Lesson
  • A. Maneuver Lesson
V. Preflight Procedures
  • A. Preflight Assessment
  • B. Flight Deck Management
  • C. Engine Starting
  • D. Taxiing, Airport Signs & Lighting
  • E. Before Takeoff Check
VI. Airport Operations
  • A. Comms, Light Signals & Runway Lighting
  • B. Traffic Patterns
VII. TOs, LDGs & Go-Arounds
  • A. Normal Takeoff & Climb
  • B. Normal Approach & Landing
  • C. Soft-Field Takeoff & Climb
  • D. Soft-Field Approach & Landing
  • E. Short-Field Takeoff & Climb / Slides
  • F. Short-Field Approach & Landing
  • M. Slip to a Landing
  • N. Go-Around/Rejected Landing
  • O. Power-Off 180 Approach & Landing
VIII. Fundamentals of Flight
  • A. Straight-and-Level
  • B. Turns
  • C. Straight Climbs & Climbing Turns
  • D. Straight Descents & Descending Turns
IX. Maneuvers
X. Slow Flight, Stalls & Spins
  • A. Maneuvering During Slow Flight
  • B. Demonstration of Flight Characteristics
  • C. Power-Off Stalls
  • D. Power-On Stalls
  • E. Accelerated Stalls
  • F. Cross-Controlled Stalls
  • G. Elevator Trim Stalls
  • H. Secondary Stalls
  • I. Spin Awareness & Spins
XI. Basic Instrument Mnvrs
XII. Emergency Operations
XIV. Postflight Procedures
  • A. After Landing, Parking & Securing
XV. Appendix
  • A. Flight Review
  • B. Plan of Action
  • C. Common Carriage
  • D. ADM, CRM & SRM


Individual CFI, CFI-I & MEI Lessons

Just under $1.25 a lesson! And that's not counting the 125 ACS Review tasks, the Appendix content (BFRs, IPCs, ADM & CRM, plans of action, Common Carriage), the aircraft specific systems & malfunctions lessons, the Private, Instrument & Commercial syllabi and their hourly breakdowns and student trackers, or our numerous other features.

The Whole Shebang Specifics

Get a clear picture of the incredible content included in our most popular package!

We added a specific Operation of Systems lesson and Systems & Equipment Malfunctions lesson for each of the aircraft listed.

PTS Lessons

72 CFI
67 MEI & MEI Add-on

Covers all CFI, CFII & MEI sections & tasks

Additional Lessons


  • Forces of Flight & Maneuvers
  • Weather Theory
  • Airworthiness Requirements (FARs)
  • ATC System
  • Low Visibility Taxi
Aircraft Systems

9 single-engine
8 multi-engine

  • Generic System Operation (SE & ME)
  • Cessna 152 & 172S
  • Cirrus SR20
  • Diamond DA20 & 40
  • Piper Archer II & III
  • Piper Arrow
  • Beechcraft Baron 58
  • Beechcraft Duchess 76
  • Diamond DA42
  • Piper Aztec
  • Piper Seminole
  • Piper Seneca II
  • Tecnam P2006T
Appendix Content


  • Flight Review
  • Instrument Proficiency Check
  • Plan of Action
  • Common Carriage
  • ADM, CRM & Risk Management
ACS Review Tasks


Covers all Private, Instrument & Commercial ACS tasks



  • Private (SE)
  • Instrument (SE)
  • Commercial (SE)
  • Hourly Breakdowns
  • Student Trackers

Free Updates

We'll do the work to keep your content current!

And not just that, we're constantly adding & improving content (over 12 years of updates so far). Login to your account to access the most current documents. No subscription fees, just FREE updates for life!


Additional Content

A specific lesson for each task in each CFI PTS (FOI included), and we aren't stopping there. We've added content on Flight Reviews, Instrument Proficiency Checks, Common Carriage, ADM, CRM & Risk Management, and specific aircraft systems & malfunctions, with more to come!


Work Efficiently

FULLY editable with built in navigation!

With our 100% editable content you're not tied to someone else's teaching style & program. Built in navigation allows you to access any lesson with a tap. Follow links to additional eBook & online content.


Your Work is Done

Save time & start instructing sooner!

Our easy to use eBooks contain detailed lessons for each task in each Instructor PTS (FOI included). Combine that with a PowerPoint for each lesson, our ACS Reviews, and our syllabi, and your work is done!


Free Updates

We'll do the work to keep your content current!

And not just that, we're constantly adding & improving content (over 12 years of updates so far). Login to your account to access the most current documents. No subscription fees, just FREE updates for life!


Additional Content

A specific lesson for each task in each CFI PTS (FOI included), and we aren't stopping there. We've added content on Flight Reviews, Instrument Proficiency Checks, Common Carriage, ADM, CRM & Risk Management, and specific aircraft systems & malfunctions, with more to come!


Work Efficiently

FULLY editable with built in navigation!

With our 100% editable content you're not tied to someone else's teaching style & program. Built in navigation allows you to access any lesson with a tap. Follow links to additional eBook & online content.


Your Work is Done

Save time & start instructing sooner!

Our easy to use eBooks contain detailed lessons for each task in each Instructor PTS (FOI included). Combine that with a PowerPoint for each lesson, our ACS Reviews, and our syllabi, and your work is done!


Let's clear up some common questions

More Questions? Email

Customer Reviews

Based on 191 reviews
Kristopher Martinez

Helped me pass my CFI checkride and currently using it to study for my CFII. Thank you BackseatPilot

Congrats on the checkride, Kristopher! Thank you for letting us know. That's the best type of feedback on this end!

Detailed, informative and well thought out.

Airline guy returning to the GA and CFI world and this is an incredible resource to get back up to speed.

Welcome back! That's great to hear. If you have any questions or suggestions, especially from the perspective of transitioning back to GA and the CFI world, I'd love to hear them. Otherwise, thanks for the review and the support!

Carl Garrison Carl Garrison
The Whole SheBang

Awesome work on this.. saved me countless time and gave great direction and flow for lessons with PowerPoints to flow with it. Great work! Would recommend to anyone teaching!

So glad to hear it, Carl! Saving time is a primary driver of everything we put together. Don't hesitate to reach out with improvements or questions. Thank you!

Darrell Clevenger
Mass amounts of Info!!!!

I like it, it’s a massive amount of useful information. Gonna take a while to get thru it all of course. But it’s exactly what I was looking for to help me study for the testing.

Thanks Darrell! It is a lot of info - Good news though, a lot of focus has shifted toward some new ideas to update the lesson plan and content structure and to make the everything more engaging and digestible. Best of luck with the checkrides and instructing!

Daryl Bart
Pack of Everything

Plenty of thinking has gone into these docs. Everything you could need broken down into section, folders and doc type. Might be overwhelming but what isn’t in aviation. New PPTX is stepped up a notch. Keep up the good work.

Thanks, Daryl! I've actually been talking to some current users and flight school owners about ways to simplify and improve the content, and I'm excited about the ideas that are coming together - I'm just getting the ball rolling on them. Really glad to hear the new slides are working out for you too - expect the updated MEI slides soon! Thanks again!