Commercial ACS Review

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ACS Reviews

Updated to the May 31, 2024 ACS requirements.

All content is provided in PC (Word & PowerPoint), Mac (Pages & Keynote), and PDF format!

Our Commercial Pilot ACS Review covers each Knowledge and Risk Management element of every task in the FAA's Commercial Pilot ACS.

Thorough and organized, our ACS Reviews can be used by instructors and students alike. Instructors, supplement our CFI lesson plans to ensure your student is prepared for their ACS checkrides. Students, use our ACS Review as a study guide to help prep for your checkride!

What's Included

ACS Reviews

  • Commercial Pilot ACS

Word & PDF documents

...Comprehensive and follow the order of the ACS table of contents. I will always use The Backseat Pilot lesson plans and would recommend them to anyone, CFI or not.


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A thorough review of EVERY Knowledge and Risk Management task for each element in the ACS.
Use the links below to view sample Commercial Pilot ACS Reviews!


I. Preflight Preparation
    II. Preflight Procedures
    • A. Preflight Assessment
    • B. Flight Deck Management
    • C. Engine Starting
    • D. Taxiing
    • E. Before Takeoff Check
    III. Airport Operations
    • A. Comms, Light Signals & Runway Lighting
    • B. Traffic Patterns
      IV. TOs, LDGs & Go-Arounds
      • A. Normal Takeoff & Climb
      • B. Normal Approach & Landing
      • C. Soft-Field Takeoff & Climb
      • D. Soft-Field Approach & Landing
      • E. Short-Field Takeoff & Climb
      • F. Short-Field Approach & Landing
      • M. Power Off 180 Approach & Landing
      • N. Go-Around/Rejected Landing
      V. Maneuvers
      • A. Steep Turns
      • B. Steep Spiral
      • C. Chandelles 
      • D. Lazy Eights
      • E. Eights on Pylons
      VI. Navigation
      • A. Pilotage & Dead Reckoning
      • B. Navigation Systems & Radar Services
      • C. Diversion
      • D. Lost Procedures
      VII. Slow Flight & Stalls
      VIII. High Altitude Operations
      • A. Supplemental Oxygen
      • B. Pressurizations
      IX. Emergency Operations
      • A. Emergency Descent
      • B. Emergency Approach & Landing
      • C. System & Equipment Malfunctions
      • D. Emergency Equipment & Survival Gear
      • E. Engine Failure during Takeoff
      • F. Engine Failure After Liftoff
      • G. Approach & Landing with an Inop Engine
      X. Multiengine Operations
      • A. Maneuvering with One Engine Inoperative
      • B. VMC Demonstration
      • C. One Engine Inop by Reference to Instruments
      • D. Instrument Approach & Landing with One Engine Inop
      XI. Postflight Procedures

          Using our Content

          ACS Reviews

          Our ACS Reviews cover the Knowledge and Risk Management sections of every task in the FAA's Private, Instrument and Commercial ACS.

          Thorough and organized, they're great for instructors and students alike. Instructors, supplement your CFI, CFII & MEI lessons to ensure your student is prepared for their ACS based checkride. Students, use our ACS Reviews as a study guide to help prep for your checkride! Delivered as Word documents & PDFs.

          As always, updates are included and, of course, FREE.

          Best For:

          • Reviewing ACS specific material with students
          • Studying for ACS based checkrides

          Using our Content

          Lessons & PowerPoints

          A complete and detailed lesson & PowerPoint for every task in the CFI, CFII & MEI PTS and more. Our CFI, CFII & MEI lessons are exactly what you need for your Instructor checkrides AND to teach future students.

          Edit and tailor the lessons & PowerPoints to your teaching style or drop them on a tablet and go straight to work instructing! Delivered as Word documents, PDFs & PowerPoints.

          Consistent FREE updates and improvements (as with all of our content).

          Best For:

          • Instructor checkrides
          • Teaching students

          Using our Content


          Take our Lessons, PowerPoints, and ACS Reviews and combine them with our Private, Instrument & Commercial single-engine syllabi for a one stop CFI shop!

          Our syllabi provide a detailed breakdown of every ground and flight lesson, including the Lessons and PowerPoints to teach from, student review topics, planned ground topics, aircraft maneuvers, and more! On top of this you'll find detailed hourly breakdowns, the applicable FAR requirements, as well as student trackers to monitor progress through each course.

          Updates are FREE, as expected.

          Best For:

          • Detailed structure to teach Private, Instrument & Commercial students
          • Tying the Lessons, PowerPoints & ACS Reviews together

          Free Updates

          We'll do the work to keep your content current!

          As the FAA makes changes and updates the ACS we'll update the Reviews. Login to your account to access the most current documents. No subscription fees, just FREE updates for life!


          Work Efficiently

          FULLY editable with built in navigation!

          With our 100% editable content you're not tied to someone else's style & program. Built in navigation allows you to access any lesson with a tap. Follow links to additional eBook & online content.


          Your Work is Done

          Save time & focus on flying!

          Our easy to use eBooks contain detailed reviews for each task in each ACS. Review exactly what's required by the ACS and check confidently!


          Free Updates

          We'll do the work to keep your content current!

          As the FAA makes changes and updates the ACS we'll update the Reviews. Login to your account to access the most current documents. No subscription fees, just FREE updates for life!


          Work Efficiently

          FULLY editable with built in navigation!

          With our 100% editable content you're not tied to someone else's style & program. Built in navigation allows you to access any lesson with a tap. Follow links to additional eBook & online content.


          Your Work is Done

          Save time & focus on flying!

          Our easy to use eBooks contain detailed reviews for each task in each ACS. Review exactly what's required by the ACS and check confidently!


          Package Deals

          Need more than just the Private Pilot ACS Reviews? Find the deal that's best for you!

          The Whole Shebang
          The Whole Shebang Sale price$ 175.00
          CFI Lesson Pack
          CFI Lesson Pack Sale price$ 149.00
          ACS Review Pack
          ACS Review Pack Sale price$ 65.00




          Lessons & PowerPoints

          CFI, CFII, MEI

          CFI, CFII, MEI

          ACS Reviews

          Private, Instrument, Commercial

          Private, Instrument, Commercial


          Private, Instrument, Commercial (SE)

          Private, Instrument, Commercial (SE)

          Reference Card

          IFR / VFR


          Let's clear up some common questions

          More Questions? Email

          Customer Reviews

          Based on 3 reviews
          Great ACS Review

          500+ pages of an in depth review of the commercial pilot ACS!

          carson fusting
          Not a very easy to follow lesson plan

          Pretty much just seems like a repeat of the ACS. Not worth the $15 to me.

          Robert Coyle
          Fantastic ACS Lesson Plans

          These lesson plans are comprehensive and follow the order of the ACS table of contents. I will always use The Backseat Pilot lesson plans and would recommend them to anyone, CFI or not.