Private Pilot Syllabus

Our Private Pilot syllabus describes a ground and flight training program designed to meet the Part 61 FAR requirements for the Private Pilot Certificate, and is designed to work with our CFI Lesson Plans, CFI PowerPoints, and Private Pilot ACS Review document. 

GND Lessons

  • 17 lessons covering the FAR 61.105 Aeronautical Knowledge areas
  • Lesson Content
    • Instructor References: Our CFI Lesson Plans & PowerPoints to teach from
    • Learner References: ACS Review and other study materials for the learner
    • Overview: Describes the intent of the lesson
    • Notes: For any additional important information
    • Plan of Action: Provides an outline of the lesson content
    • Objective / Completion Standards: Monitor learner understanding
  • Delivered as a Word document & PDF - Edit as you'd like, or go right to work!
    • Edit just the content and / or the lesson order and syllabus plan
  • PDF sample - GND 1: Flight Controls & Aerodynamics

FLT Lessons

  • 29 flying lessons broken into 3 stages to prep the learner for their checkride
  • Lesson Content
    • Flight hour breakdown
    • References: CFI lesson plans & PowerPoints to teach from
    • Overview: Explanation of the intent and plan of the lesson
    • Notes: Additional important information
    • Plan of Action: An outline/plan for each phase of the flight 
    • Objective / Completion Standards: Monitor learner progress
  • Delivered as a Word document & PDF - Edit as you'd like or go straight to work!
    • Edit just the content and / or the lesson order and syllabus plan
  • Includes an Excel document breaking down the total training hours by flight 
    • PDF Sample - FLT 3: Slow Flight

    Products with the Private Pilot Syllabus

    The Private Pilot Syllabus is included in the following products:

    • The Whole Shebang Package
    • CFI Lesson Pack
    • CFI Lesson Plans