The Backseat Pilot Products

Compare our CFI and ACS Lessons and The BSP Reference Cards

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CFI PTS Lessons


CFI eBook


Lessons covering each task
for your CFI Checkride

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MEI eBook


Lessons covering each task 
for your MEI Checkride

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CFII eBook


Lessons covering each task
for your CFII Checkride

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MEI Add-On eBook


Already have your CFI lessons?
Just get the additional MEI lessons

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Airman Certification Standards (ACS) Review




The Backseat Pilot Reference Cards



The Backseat Pilot: IFR/VFR


Our reference card containing
the most Critical, Difficult to Retain, 
and Useful IFR/VFR Information

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The Backseat Pilot: Holds


Our reference card designed
to make holds easier for everyone
learning, teaching, or flying holds

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